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Creating Time and making it happen...






Make a commitment


You have to decide that you really want to make a change, and that is more important than almost anything else.


Create a little wiggle room


Find the things that eat up your time that are less important than the creative Journey  you want to make.


Earlier the better


I have learnt that the earlier I get to sit and work on my project/ painting/ journal, the more chance I have to actually get it done. If I wait for later in the day, the more excuses I will find to delay or cancel. I also tend to be pretty useless in the evening when I tend to read and save inspiring quotes or images which might inspire me for next day. Know your own rhythm.


Process over product


The aim is to keep that creative muscle going, not making Art. Do not put pressure on yourself. The blank page can be pretty daunting, yet if you plunge into it straight away you will not have the time to think. Experiment, make mistakes or prime pages, and keep busy.


Have your journal close to you


Keep your journal on the coffee table, the desk or the kitchen table. Allow yourself to open it up and play with it. Look at the pages, add some thoughts, try a doodle or add stuff to another project. Your journal is a living thing, a work in progress, make it part of your daily life.


Sacred time


Just like a meditative practice, your journaling time should be sacrosanct. Put your phone on silent, be clear with the people in your house that it is your time and let the dog out. This is when time and space converge, and things get to happen and change you. Everything else can wait for 10 minutes. Protect it. Be firm.


Give yourself a break


Remember, this is fun, this is creative, this is nurturing if you miss a day ...then so what?  Do not allow guilt to permeate and be the driving force. Make it fun, allow it to give you energy and nourish your soul  ...if painting is not something you feel like doing today, go for a walk, bake a cake, play with your food, make swirls in the lake and take a picture of it ...break the pattern. And Create. Anything.



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