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week 20

And then just like that, there it is, the last week ...I do not see it like the end of the project but the beginning of a new us, new ways of working I hope, new perspectives or ways of looking. I was looking at a few books, texts, papers lying around the sofa and came across this and thought to myself, this could well be how each journey starts, rippling outwards first, then spiralling onwards,only to go back to the centre, the self, who we really are....

Week 20 art prompt:

Throw a pebble into a pond and watch the perfect circles form and spread effortlessly. Think of your art as that circle – a circle of creative energy spiralling out, taking in new influences, reaching out for new experiences – but always coming back to centre – to you.

Virginia Cobb

Enjoy the journey dear ones, it has been a ball !


Ripple effect ...

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